Toxic Waste Pocillopora
Toxic Waste Pocillopora
This Toxic Waste Pocillopora is small polyp stony coral of the family Pocilloporidae occurring in the Pacific and Indian Oceans. I have aquacultured this coral since September 2016. It originally came from a retail shop in Raleigh, NC. It grows like a cauliflower head when mature. There are many variations of this coral type that vary in color pattern, color intensity, and are known by different trade names. The Toxic Waste Pocillopora in the Bridge Tender reef was born as a small fragment (frag) about 1.5 inches tall from that donor parent coral in September 2016. The parent was an unknown age and unknown generation of aquacultured coral. That right, this is the original coral to arrive at Reeves' Reef in 2016 making this coral about 4-years old since it was originally fragged. This coral has parented many colorful frags.